Coolest New Gadget

November 4, 2019 at 6:40 am (Mom Stuff) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

I have a new gadget. I’m in love. Meet Lollipop baby camera.

This thing is so cool. We have always loved our baby monitor and it did a great job for years. But the battery is dying and we knew we needed something updated. Six years is quite a long time to use and abuse an electronic. We had heard awesome things about the Lollipop baby camera and really wanted to try it. So glad we got the chance!

First of all, how cute is this design?! I love the modern, simple look. They come in this blue, a pink, a yellow, and now they have a new gray cover option too.

The lollipop itself is bendable and can be posed or twisted to suit your needs and space. You can wrap it around the crib rail or twist it to perch on a shelf. It also came with a little branch to attach to the wall to wrap it around and an attachment that holds the end wrapped around a crib rail. This is what we have used here.

So not only is this guy cute and fun, but he’s also so versatile! This actually makes traveling with this monitor much easier than with our old one. We can simply twist and place in a new location, no charging station or monitor screen to bring… because of the other perk… it shows to an app on your phone!

Yes, that’s Barrett all curled up in the corner. 🤣 Silly goose. But I can see him, hear him, and monitor everything, right from my phone.

And since you use wifi… you can even access the picture when you are away from home! What?! I can check in on the kiddos even when we have a sitter!

It also alerts you of room environment factors like temperature, and if the baby is crying. You can zoom in. And you can record snapshots or video clips of what is going on.

I’m in love. It’s been a huge help for us! Check them out on IG!

Xx, Jess

(I was gifted this Lollipop baby camera to try and review, however, all opinions are my own!)

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